Initiative Measure 95

Section 1

We wish to thank the city council for condemning the war in Iraq.
Unfortunately, since the time of that resolution's passage,
approximately twice as many people have died.  We the people now wish
to add our voices to our city's cry for peace.  For this reason, the
people of Seattle ask that the City Council place this measure on the
ballot, enabling the people of Seattle to exercise our right to vote,
in an effort to end the war.

Section 2

WHEREAS, the people of the United States of America were led to war
under false pretenses, against a nation that posed no credible threat
to our own; and

WHEREAS, the war in Iraq has cost an estimated 1.2 million lives and
approximately half a trillion dollars; and

WHEREAS, the democratically elected leadership of our nation
continues to authorize increased war spending in contrast to the
desires of the majority of Americans and the best interests of our
nation; and

WHEREAS, the war on terrorism has been used to justify the erosion of
our civil liberties and the desecration of our constitution; and

WHEREAS, there are many questions pertaining to the executive
branch's role in planning or enabling the attacks of September 11,
2001; and

WHEREAS, we the people of Seattle do not condone a war for the profit
of few and the detriment of many;


1. The War in Iraq is in violation of international law.

2. United States troops must be brought home immediately.

3. No new funding for the war shall be authorized by congress.

4. The war in Iraq is undemocratic and violates our country's deepest

5. We the people of Seattle declare the War in Iraq over!

A copy of this ordinance shall be sent to the 2008 President-elect of
the United States, all US Senators and Representatives, the King
County Council, and mayors of major cities all across the United

rev. 11/15/07