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Information retrieved on April 25, 2024 6:25 PM

Clerk File Number: 320981

A Proclamation by Mayor Jenny A. Durkan and the Seattle City Council honoring Team Sail Like a Girl for their 2018 Race to Alaska Win.

Status: Filed
Date of Full Council action:

Date Filed with the City Clerk: September 10, 2018

Date introduced/referred to committee:
Committee Recommendation:
Date of Committee Recommendation:
Committee Vote:

(No indexing available for this document)

Electronic Copy: PDF scan of CF 320981
Location Note: Filed in Seattle Municipal Archives Series


WHEREAS, Race to Alaska (R2AK), organized by Northwest Maritime Center, is a 750 mile, non-motorized and unsupported race to Ketchikan with check points in Victoria, Seymour Narrows, Bella Bella, British Columbia and Ketchikan, Alaska; and

WHEREAS, on June 14, 42 teams left Port Townsend, and only 21 teams completed the race; and

WHEREAS, Jeanne Goussev, Anna Stevens, Hayley Lhamon, Allison Ekberg Dvaladze, Aimee Fulwell, Kate Hearsey McKay, Kelly Danielson, and Morgana Buell came together to form a team called Sail Like A Girl; and

WHEREAS, Sail Like A Girl takes pride in being an all-female crew, showing girls and women worldwide that sailing like a girl is a badge of honor; and

WHEREAS, having the support and love of family members, friends and an incredible community, without whom they never would have come so far; and

WHEREAS, Sail Like A Girl honored their loved ones affected by breast cancer by writing these warriors' names on the ship's mast before setting sail, and reflected on those names for strength; and

WHEREAS, the team operated on three-hour rotations for eating, sailing and maintaining the boat, and each team member was allotted six hours to sleep per day split into two shifts, but most did not sleep; and

WHEREAS, when the wind died, the current turned against them and their closest competitors stopped to wait out the weather, Sail Like A Girl kept going, sailing one mile in three hours and reaching the 35 knot winds before their competition in Johnstone Strait; and

WHEREAS, plunging into the unknown with an ambitious and respectful sisterhood of women who pushed the boat every moment, and took care of each other along the way, may feel like the best accomplishment of all; and

WHEREAS, the team shared close calls, tears, moments of uncertainty, a collision with a log and concern that their lead was lost; and

WHEREAS, Sail Like A Girl and team Lagopus sprinted into the night - neck and neck - for the finish line; and

WHEREAS, on June 24 at 0017, six days, 13 hours and 17 minutes from the start of the second leg, Sail Like A Girl stepped off their boat to ring the completion bell together, cementing their time and winning status in the record; and

WHEREAS, by donating a portion of their prize money, fundraising and working with their sponsor, First Federal, Sail Like A Girl raised over $11,000 for the Pink Boat Regatta, a sailing race supporting the Breast Cancer Research Foundation, which they will sail in this month; and

WHEREAS, the City of Seattle congratulates Sail Like A Girl on their incredible achievement of being the first ever monohull to win the race, and the first ever all-female team to win the R2AK;

Now, therefore, the Mayor of Seattle and the Seattle City Council honor:


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Mayor Jenny A. Durkan Council President Bruce A. Harrell

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Councilmember Sally Bagshaw Councilmember Teresa Mosqueda

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Councilmember M. Lorena Gonzlez Councilmember Debora Juarez

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Councilmember Lisa Herbold Councilmember Rob Johnson

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Councilmember Kshama Sawant Councilmember Mike O'Brien