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Seattle Municipal Archives Publications Collection
Documents: 1 - 14 of 14

Doc. Year ID of Pub. Title and Author
#1345 1995 12th Avenue development plan property disposition / Columbia Street and Barclay Court properties request for qualifications Department of Neighborhoods #4024 1999 Georgetown neighborhood plan / part I Georgetown Planning Committee & Urban Works #4025 1999 Georgetown neighborhood plan / part Ii Georgetown Planning Committee & Urban Works #5584 1979 Recommendations on interim development protection for Seattle's critical neighborhoods Office of Policy Planning #6560 1998 Columbia City Hillman City Genesee Neighborhood Plan / First Draft - October 29, 1998 MAKERS architecture and urban design #6561 1999 Columbia City Hillman City Genesee Neighborhood Plan / January 1999 MAKERS architecture and urban design #6575 1999 Planning Commission comments to the Seattle City Council / Columbia City Neighborhood Plan/ August 1999 Planning Commission #6704 2000 Neighborhood-based housing strategies / Housing special objective areas / Neighborhood revitalization strategy areas / Neighborhood plans Office of Housing and Pacific Development Concepts #8437 1976 The Neighborhood Program /OPP?s recommendations to the Mayor Office of Policy Planning #8895 2009 Status check / Seattle citizens assess their communities & neighborhood plans Planning Commission #9518 1999 Columbia City / Hillman City / Genesee / Neighborhood plan MAKERS Architecture and Urban Design #10041 undated Georgetown plan recommendations s.n. #11069 1998 Evaluation plan and reports for the Georgetown / Maple Hill neighborhood power project Dethman & Associates, Seattle City Light #12066 1998 Georgetown neighborhood plan Georgetown Planning Committee