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Seattle Municipal Archives Publications Collection
Search Terms: " : 2=1 : 1=(CAPITOL-HILL AND PARKS)[SUB] : "
Documents: 1 - 12 of 12

Doc. Year ID of Pub. Title and Author
#1393 1992 Miller Park dreams project master plan / prepared for the Miller Park Neighborhood Association TANGENT #2218 1974 Boren-Interlaken Viewpoint Park final environmental impact statement Department of Parks and Recreation #2227 1973 Boren-Interlaken Viewpoint Park draft environmental impact statement Department of Parks and Recreation #3860 1986 Interlaken Boulevard / a renewed vision for Seattle's urban wilderness The Portico Group #4122 1991 Madison / Capitol Hill district parks & recreation profile Department of Parks and Recreation #6226 1998 Lincoln Reservoir park site master plan / site and urban design narrative The Berger Partnership & Dennis Ryan #6227 1998 Lincoln Reservoir replacement and park master plan / environmental checklist Herrera Environmental Consultants #6228 1998 Lincoln Reservoir replacement and park master plan / environmental checklist / draft Herrera Environmental Consultants #6777 2001 Consultant summary / Boren Pike Pine Park project Murase Associates, Inc. #7397 1948 Capitol Hill - Broadway recreation study Planning Commission #10166 1992 Miller Park dreams project master plan / Draft Tangent #10247 1999 Lincoln Reservoir park site master plan / site and urban design narrative / appendix Seattle Public Utilities